Saturday, September 17, 2016

The First Time I Went Zip-Lining

The First Time I Went Zip-Lining

Image result for Florida EcoSafaris peacocks            My cousin, Kyle, and family went to a place about an hour southeast of Orlando, FL called ,"Florida Eco-safaris, Forever Florida", to go zip-lining and take a tour of the place. As we drove along the entrance that lead to the place where we get our bands we saw a deer and quite a few peacocks fluttering around this abandoned-looking building. The deer saw us and ran away. If you want to go to this fantastic place their will be a link at the end of this post. : )


The Swamp Buggy

        First, we went on to a swamp buggy that came by to pick everyone up. The driver told us about the preserve and made a lot of bad jokes. My cousin, my brother, and I were pretty much messing around in the back. We joked about if some ferocious animal jumped out and attacked us...we're weird kids. We saw many deer and peacocks, but nothing really uncommon. It's not like we were going really deep into the woods anyway, so it's not like I should have really had high expectations.    Then we actually realized the purpose of getting on the vehicle. It was to get to the zip-lining part.

The Set-up

     We went into the small pavilion that was there and got helmets and gear. We got a Go-Pro helmet so I could use our Go-Pro. Getting on the gear was really hard and uncomfortable...for my brother and the adults! The ones my cousin and I got were easy to put on and soon we were walking to the zip-line. I was completely shaking the entire time. xD We had to climb up some REALLY high stairs and go across a VERY shaky bridge. My aunt and uncle jumped around to scare me. (-_-) I almost slipped a couple times which scared me a lot. But, overall it was okay, but that was only the accent. 

The Zip-Line

       The first zip-line I really was scared and didn't want to go, but once I tried it, it was really fun! The guys who told us what to do were funny and I hope we see them next time we go. And sometimes we would have to go in weird directions or do poses. Like we they sent us backwards once, so we could whip around a couple times. And then we had to go even higher on these metal stairs. And the zip-line went down.  This time we had to dodge the trees that were pretty close to the zip-line. Then we went through a few more regular ones and then on the last one we had to do a silly pose and it was a really long one. On the bridge that went back we took a family picture and then we went home. It was really fun and I hope we go again soon!(Even though it was terrifying!) Here I'll give to their website!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

My Vacay 2016 Summer

My Vacation

        Before school started, my family and I went to Charleston, South Carolina with my cousins, uncle, and aunt. We stayed in a cabin-like place near the beach. Plus, all the little crabs we saw at the plantation there. And  the amazingly big Angel Oak was just astounding! It was so fun! I wish we didn't have to go home. And the amazingly big Angel Oak was just astounding!

The Drive

       I'd say it was about six or seven hour drive not including stops. We had to go through a couple other states ,but me and my brother either slept or played on our devices pretty much the entire time. (>U<) Unless we were at Zaxby's.  And once we arrived at South Carolina it was absolutely amazing! We saw a bunch of houses on the edge of one long river. We also saw and went over Ravenal Bridge!(I always We only went to a group of stores though to meet up with the others. We got basic things like snacks and a Frisbee.
Image result for south carolina store
Image result for bridge south carolina      

The Hotel

        When we got to the hotel we unpacked and played with our cousins : Chloe, Jared, Rebekah and Connor. That was really fun. Later Rebekah, Chloe, and I decided to walk to the end of the 'street' and go back, but we kept going back and forth because Chloe wanted to go somewhere else than Bekah did. Eventually, we got back and had lunch. (Hot dogs! Yum!) Then we played a game we made up. Blind Man's Hide and Seek. It's exactly what it sounds like; the person who is "it" has to close their eyes and try to find the people who are hiding merely by hearing and touch. I think Jared cheated though.

The Beach

         After we got settled in we went to the beach and played in the sandbar.(I can't swim well) (0~0) we had a great time and we even saw a couple ghost grabs. My brother and I both got pinched. At least they were small. (It still hurt though) After a couple days we started going to a different beach, Folly Beach, to collect shell. Though, later the water was so high the whole beach was covered! One time we saw a starfish; then another time we saw a jellyfish, and the last time I found(and kept) a red starfish arm. It was really squishy and weird at first, but then it dried up. When my dad did come the last time he was trying to catch sand fleas, but he couldn't quite get them because  they were so fast!
Image result for Starfish arm

The Plantation

             The South Carolina Plantation was such a blast. I mean the slaves' cabin was such an eye opener on the average slave's life. And there was even an actual descendant of a slave. (Her grandma was a slave) We got to sing songs and have a lot of fun. After that, we went on a kind of large truck thing (xD) and got to ride around the farm. I saw a dead snake on the path and I think it was a rattlesnake or something. But anyway, we also learned that part of The Notebook was filmed there. I'll probably never see that movie. Afterwards we went to the mansion that was there and looked around. I wanted to wait to go there because I was really hungry. Other than that, it was amazing! The piano in there was worth more than the house I live in by a long shot!



            Then we went to Charleston! We got rock candy, chocolate, and a bunch of other junk food that we didn't need. Then we went to a horse ride place and got a tour of the town. Afterwards, we went to a confederate museum (>~<) and looked around. Connor and I kept making bad jokes and puns about the stuff around us. Andrew(my brother) got mad at us.Going to South Carolina was really fun maybe one day we can go back. Or somewhere even more fun!

                                 Comment the place where you had your best vacation!